Energy projects often present challenges, both in the field and during the project planning and execution phases. With our experienced team of seasoned biologists and project managers, On Pointe will proactively communicate with you to understand your project’s goals, provide technically sound, science-based data and reporting, and offer innovative strategies and solutions to create a clear path for project success.
Our professional team offers over 30 years of combined experience conducting and managing field surveys for energy projects nationwide. With a Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) certified by the Society of Wetland Scientists and an experienced Wildlife Ecologist leading and managing field survey projects, the On Pointe team is adept at conducting and managing the field surveys required by federal, state, and local entities for development permits, including:
With our years of experience working on energy projects with multiple companies and utilizing a wide variety of survey protocols, we have developed and fine-tuned methodologies and strategies to successfully obtain high quality, defensible data for both large and small projects. We believe our purpose in the field is to assist the client in achieving the project goal – acquire the necessary permits and clearances to put the project into operation.
Utilizing On Pointe to conduct and manage your field surveys for energy projects will ensure that detailed, accurate, organized, and timely data is collected for the specific permits required for your project. In addition to our skills in the field, we have worked in multiple US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) districts to prepare Section 401/404 permit applications and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents, and have provided species-specific documentation to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance.
Energy projects often present challenges, both in the field and during the project planning and execution phases. With our experienced team of seasoned biologists and project managers, On Pointe will proactively communicate with you to understand your project’s goals, provide technically sound, science-based data and reporting, and offer innovative strategies and solutions to create a clear path for project success.